Sunday 9 January 2011

Robert Carter

Robert Carter is a freelance photographer who lives in the United Kingdom,  Robert became interested in photography when he studied GCSE Photography and later went on to study A Level.  Although he was really interested in photography he change direction and studied Drama and Psychology at Roehampton University.

After finishing University Robert Carter decided to go traveling and it was while traveling through India, Thailand, Nepal, Laos and Australia that his passion for photography was reborn.

This is a beautiful image of a close up of a swan which are really lovely to photograph and quite difficult to get close ups.  This image shows focus on the head of the swan bringing out the detail of the beak and the fur.  This image has been taken with a zoom lens which captures the swan in a very relaxed tranquil mood.  I have taken images of swans but have had to use the zoom tool in photoshop to bring the image closer.  I would like a more powerful zoom lens so I too can capture some fantastic wildlife images.

Another beautiful image of two swans and their reflections in the water.  This image uses the composition aspect of the Rule of Thirds and Reflections and I also like the contrast of the swans against the dark background of the water.  The swans cause a ripple in the water which stretches right across the rule of thirds and creates a really nice effect.

This image is a really nice reflective image of trees in water which also uses the rule of thirds composition aspect and I think it has good tonal range and balance.  I love reflection images I have taken a few myself and sometimes you have to be really quick as the light can cause them to dissapear very quickly.

This is an image of a sunset just as the sun is disappearing behind the mountain.  The sun sends a reflection across the water which guides your eyes through the image.  I love shots where the sun sends a line of light through water I have taken some myself as you can see in my earlier post sunsets and landscapes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deb, hope your well :) Your research is looking great and I can see you've been very busy! Hope your getting on ok cropping and tweaking your images as we discussed on wednesday! If you want any advice before this weeks session feel free to e mail me...I look forward to seeing your images on wednesday :)
