Wednesday 29 December 2010

Landscapes and Sunsets

Here are a few Landscape and Sunset Images taken by me using my Nikon D90.  Unfortunately I did not have my Tripod with me as this would have been very useful for some of the shots for framing and using a slow shutter speed.

This Landscape at a distance is framed between the sea and the clouds.  This was taken in the morning and captures a rainbow going straight through the image.

ISO 640  1/400  F/8

ISO 400  1/2000   F/16

This image was taken as the sun was going down and I like the reflection on the water and the boat in the distance.  As I shot this image into the sun I had to use a really fast shutter speed because of the light caused by the sun.  I also used a small aperture to try and limit the amount of light into the lens.

ISO 400   1/2000   F/16

This image was taken at dusk and I really like the colourful rings around the sun.  Again a really fast shutter speed was used to not let in too much light.

ISO 400   1/1600   F/18

ISO 400   1/60   F/9

I really like this shot of a boat framed between the sea and the moody caribbean sky taken just off the coast of Aruba.  Looking at the image now I think I will crop it to take out some of the low key tonal range.  This will give the image a better tonal range.

ISO 400 1/60 F/9 also taken off the coast of Aruba at Sunset 

ISO 400   1/125   F/18

Landscape image of Marigot Bay, St Lucia.  For this image I have used a small aperture to get all areas of the image in focus.

Palm Trees on a windy day on St Lucia 1/200 F18 ISO 400.  I love the angle of this image and the sky is a beautiful colour.

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